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Elly Liebenguth

Funny, genuine and full of love, Elly was “one of the kindest people you’ll meet,” according to her mom, Cindy Liebenguth. Elly enjoyed time outdoors hunting and training dogs with her dad.

Soon after beginning a nursing program as an honors student, her life was cut short in a moped accident.

“We know Elly is where she most wanted to be: She’s in heaven with Jesus,” said Cindy.

Elly’s giving nature led to a conversation she and Cindy once had: She told Cindy that if anything ever happened to her, she wanted to help anyone she could as an organ and tissue donor.

Her father, Scott Liebenguth, said knowing that Elly saved five lives through her donation has been part of the healing process.

“She’s still changing lives,” he said. “We are on a journey from sorrow to joy, and the only day we’ll see joy is when God calls us all home.”

Elly Liebenguth’s Family

Pictured from left to right: Elly’s brother Sam; parents, Cindy and Scott; and sister, Miley Liebenguth