Woman smiling at camera

MTN Staff Spotlight – Andrea Starks

Woman smiling at camera

Andrea Starks is a Quality Assurance Coordinator at Midwest Transplant Network (MTN).

Meet Andrea Starks

She began at MTN as a temporary worker in March of 2007, with no prior clinical experience or knowledge of organ and tissue recovery, but quickly fell in love with the close-knit, family-like atmosphere. Now a full-time member, Andrea’s daily work involves gathering and sharing information to support healthy tissue donation and transplantation. She humorously likens her role to that of a sleuth, juggling many tasks.

Andrea’s time at MTN has profoundly changed her, making her more aware of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing moments with loved ones. As a bone graft recipient herself, Andrea deeply values organ donation, as it gave her a second chance at life through donation.

Why did you want to work at MTN? 

I lucked into MTN. My friend used to work here and asked if I could temp for about 12 weeks while someone was on medical leave…and I never left! I was a blank slate when I started; no clinical background and no organ/tissue recovery or transplant knowledge. I just knew I liked the close family feel/ mom and pop culture. I never guessed in a million years MTN would ask me to stay.

What is a day like for a Quality Assurance Coordinator at Midwest Transplant Network?

Lots of pokers in lots of fires! We spend all day collecting and sharing information to support healthy tissue donation and transplant. Lol–I never thought I’d be a sleuth in this lifetime but here I am being okay-ish at it!

Tell me about your experience at MTN and how it’s changed you.

There are good and bad traits I’ve picked up over the years: I’m more aware of death and how it sometimes happens confusingly fast so I definitely worry more. I’m paranoid my asthma is going to take me out at any moment!  I also love harder and appreciate the act of giving and getting time with family and friends way more than anything else.

How do you live the MTN mission?

I love the idea of treating everyone with dignity and respect anyway. We don’t know anyone’s story until we are given those privileges. There are heroes among us everywhere!

What does organ donation mean to you?

I am a bone graft recipient who would have died without my donor’s gift. I was in a car accident in 2001. My face hit the door frame when I was thrown out of the car and fractured my 2 front teeth. The hairline fracture was missed when I was getting veneers. 10 years later, the infection broke through my gum wall. This infection had compromised the bone housing my front teeth—so, I got a bone graft to hold my implants. I get to live this wonderful life and be all the things to all my people because of this second chance. It means everything.

How do you spend your weekends?

Usually on the go! We have a 13-year-old son who plays soccer and has a small mowing business he takes very seriously. We also have a 12-year-old daughter who has a slight Target addiction and plays on 2 competitive soccer teams…lots of practice, lots of games! We also like to go to our parents’ too so kids can see their grands.

What’s the last adventure or vacation you’ve been on?

While in Florida, we took a pontoon out to Crab Island and spent the day paddle boarding and relaxing on a floating water pad. AND fighting jellyfish! They were everywhere and we all got stung! It was brutal and exciting!!

If you could spend your entire paycheck on something that’s not a bill, what would it be?

I’ve gotten sucked into the time warp that is Hobby Lobby too many times to not be embarrassed. I imagine endless possibilities of necessary items I could toss my whole paycheck at if bills weren’t chasing after me!