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Leo Woodruff

Julianna Armato feels a special connection to organ donation. Several years ago, she donated one of her kidneys to her mother, who enjoyed many more years with her family as a result.

More recently, Julianna lost her nephew Leo when he was just 17 years old. Although that has been painful and difficult, she is proud of her sister’s decision to donate Leo’s organs.

“Leo was caring, helpful and thoughtful,” she said. “I know he would have decided to donate in his adult life if he could have. It helps me to know someone out there is getting years back in their life to spend with family and loved ones.”

One of Leo’s sisters, Jamisha Cooper, describes Leo as someone who cared about everybody, from old to young.

“He was able to extend someone else’s life through donation, and it makes me proud of him and the people who had to make the decision for him to donate,” she said.

Leo Woodruff’s Family

Pictured clockwise from left: Leo’s mother, Francie Armato; uncle Dan Wilkinson; aunt Julianna Armato; sister Jamisha Cooper; grandmother Birdia Jeffery; sister Jiovanna Woodruff; and dog, Charlie