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Cassia Millspaugh

In a video beloved by her family, Cassia can be seen trying and failing to provide basic directions between two major cities in the state in which she always lived. Her frequent smiles, laughter and eye rolls throughout the video sum up Cassia’s essence: She was funny, loving, competitive, gullible and directionally challenged.

Cassia previously had registered as an organ, eye and tissue donor, as her family learned when her life ended too soon after struggles with depression.

“We had been discussing donation when we learned she already was a registered donor,” said her sister, Willow Barrett. “It was no surprise at all. Knowing she was going to help other people and potentially save lives helped in terms of letting her go.”

While they will always mourn their loss, Cassia’s family — parents Cheryl and Richard Millspaugh; brothers Zoe Millspaugh and Shelley Millspaugh; and Willow — find comfort in connecting with one of Cassia’s tissue recipients.

“It makes me feel good that she’s living on through other people,” Cheryl said. “She’ll never be forgotten.”

Cassia Millspaugh’s Family

Pictured: Cassia’s parents, Cheryl and Richard Millspaugh, with her sister, Willow Barrett