Tag Archive for: organ donation

An infographic displaying 1,075, the number of lifesaving organ transplants provided by Midwest Transplant Network in 2024.

Lifesaving Achievements: Midwest Transplant Network saves lives through 1,075 organ transplants in 2024

In 2024, Midwest Transplant Network set a new level of achievement for the number of organs recovered for transplantation, organ donors, eye and tissue donors, and laboratory tests performed in the accomplishment of its mission work.

MTN, a not-for-profit organ procurement organization (OPO), is privileged to work with donor families to extend their loved one’s legacy in providing 1,075* lifesaving organs for transplantation. The 399 donor hero’s gifts made it possible for grateful recipients to have a new lease on life. MTN recovered tissues from 1,447 donor heroes.

As a highly ranked OPO, Midwest Transplant Network consistently performs in the top 10% in the country among 56 OPOs, according to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“In 2024, for the first time in our history, we reached a milestone of 1,075 organs transplanted. It’s a remarkable achievement that’s only made possible by the generosity of people who said yes to being organ donors,” said Jan Finn, RN, MSN, President & CEO, Midwest Transplant Network.

“We are truly grateful to the donor heroes and their families for giving these gifts to save lives. The impact of their decision means so much, like a child receiving a kidney, or a teenager getting a new heart, or someone who’s been waiting for a long time getting the call that a liver is available and it’s a good match.

“This achievement reflects the commitment of our staff and hospital partners to honor the gifts of organ donation, and to make a difference in the lives of people who are waiting for a transplant. It’s all connected,” said Finn.


2024: An Impactful Year
One organ donor can save eight lives; a tissue donor can enhance 100 lives. Through MTN, organ, eye and tissue donor heroes and their families saved and enhanced lives:

• 399 donor heroes shared the gift of life, resulting in 1,075* lifesaving organ transplants.
(*Excluding organs donated for research)
• 1,447 cornea and tissue donor heroes saved and enhanced lives.
• MTN’s lab performed 40,075 transplant-supporting tests ranging from blood counts, urinalysis, basic chemistry panels and more.
• In its second full year of service, MTN’s Donor Care and Surgical Recovery Unit (DCU) cared for 131 donor hero patients resulting in 430 lifesaving transplants.

MTN’s award-winning histocompatibility lab conducts tests such as assessing blood work for potential matches for organ, tissue and bone marrow transplantation, as well as post-transplant monitoring.

“The MTN lab plays a vital role in organ donation, where our testing helps bridge the gap between hope and life, connecting donors to patients in need of life-saving transplants,” said Christina Bishop, MT(ASCP), Ph.D., F(ACHI), Chief of Laboratory Services.

“The Donor Care and Surgical Recovery Unit is two years into operation, and we know we’re making a difference. By having a dedicated intensive care unit and surgical recovery suite to recover organs, eyes and tissues means that our trusted staff can move quickly and efficiently to help save and enhance lives,” said Lori Markham, RN, MSN, CCRN, Vice President & Chief Clinical Officer.


At a Glance

An infographic displaying 2024 end-of-year data for Midwest Transplant Network.











Reflecting a National Increase in Organ Donation

MTN’s performance increases reflect a national upward trend for the organ transplant system.

The United Network for Organ Sharing reported that across the country, 48,149 lifesaving transplants were performed in 2024.

On average, the U.S. performed 132 organ transplants a day in 2024.

Although organ transplants are increasing nationally and locally, the waiting list grows. Nearly 104,000 people around the country need a lifesaving organ transplant — with approximately 488 of those people living in Kansas and 2,032 in Missouri.

The Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) set a bold aim to achieve 50,000 annual organ transplants in 2026 by working with key stakeholders on multiple initiatives. Midwest Transplant Network is a leader in helping to reach the bold goal to save lives.

Incorporated in 1973, Midwest Transplant Network facilitates organ, eye and tissue donation in partnership with hospitals and other professional partners to give hope and share life. MTN’s service area is the state of Kansas and western two-thirds of Missouri, with its central office located in Westwood, Kansas, and satellite offices in Wichita, Kansas, and Columbia and Joplin, Missouri. MTN commemorated 50 years of service in 2023.

Summit Outlines the Crucial Relationship Between MTN and Palliative Care Providers

Midwest Transplant Network welcomed 62 attendees both in person and virtually for a Palliative Care Summit Jan. 16. The event focused on defining the role of palliative care in the organ donation process and collaborating with palliative care teams to best support families when faced with end-of-life decisions.

Additional topics included differentiating the donor process between first person authorization (FPA) and non-FPA, and an explanation of the family readiness assessment tool (FRAT). The summit was provided in partnership with MTN and Stormont Vail Health Topeka, Kan.

Palliative Care Summit image from inside MTN.

Pilot Program Results
Janelle Williamson, MS, APRN, NP-C, ACHPN, FPCN, served as the keynote speaker. Williamson is a Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner at Stormont Vail Health. She provided a review of a pilot program at Stormont Vail Health during the past year aimed at developing best practices to collaborate and include donation in end-of-life care planning conversations. Supportive data from the pilot program demonstrated improved donation outcomes with 64% of families saying yes to donation before a collaborative approach and 78% when MTN and palliative care worked as a team to support the families together.

A Doctor’s Perspective
“The summit provided compelling evidence that greater collaboration between MTN and palliative medicine provides a clear benefit for families facing donation considerations,” said Erin Khouri, DO AAEM, Saint Luke’s Physician Group, Supportive and Palliative Medicine Division.

Khouri added, “I appreciate the opportunity to share this information with my team, and to work on better supporting our MTN colleagues as we all support patients and families.”

Frontline Experiences
MTN Family Services Coordinator III, John Michael Segars, Pharm.D., shared stories from his work that fully immersed attendees in end-of-life experiences and when to begin the conversation about organ, eye and tissue donation. “You never know what to expect when you walk into a room with a family,” Segars said. “We get to know the families and learn more about their loved ones. We want to be transparent with the families and fold the donation conversation in at the right time for the family.”

The Greatest Benefit
MTN’s Hospital Services Coordinator I, Mallory Reitemeier, MSN, RN, CMSRN, said, “I think the greatest benefit of the summit was hearing Janelle’s perspective on the importance of collaboration between MTN and palliative care.”

Reitemeier said the data shows the impact a positive relationship between palliative care and MTN can have. “Hearing from a relatable, palliative clinician makes the work we’ve done impactful. I am hopeful she has inspired attendees to leverage the relationship between their palliative care teams and MTN to maximize the gift of donation.”




Joe Hecht, donor hero, wearing a white button-down shirt with a grey and maroon tie.

MTN Donor Hero to be Honored on OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade Float, Jan. 1

Photo of Joe Hecht, donor hero

Joe Hecht, donor hero, Midwest Transplant Network


It’s the time of year for holidays, celebrations and parades on TV!

Midwest Transplant Network is proud to co-sponsor the OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade® float and honor a donor hero from our area with a floragraph portrait on the float.

Donor Hero Joe Hecht

MTN chose donor hero Joe Hecht of Sturgeon, Mo., as the 2025 Rose Parade honoree.

Joe was 38, a son, husband and father. He died in July 2020 and donated his kidneys at MU Health Care in Columbia, Mo., saving the lives of two people.

Growing up, his mother, Sheila Hecht, served in the Navy. They lived in Florida and Washington, experiencing the world along the way. Baseball, working on cars and “California Love” by Tupac were his vibe. He enjoyed a life of adventure with his wife, Melissa, taking trips to the Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu in Peru. Joe loved being outside with their young daughters, Elena and Isabelle.

“We are proud of Joe’s legacy as an organ donor. We always talk about daddy. He’s a hero. We are thankful to be invited to represent Joe at the Rose Parade®. It’ll be a wonderful memory for our family,” said Melissa Hecht.

Floragraph Portrait

All Rose Parade floats must be covered with flowers or other natural materials, such as leaves, seeds or bark.

The OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade® float features numerous floragraphs – portraits made entirely of organic materials – remembering donors from around the country. The floragraphs are created by volunteers. To allow the families to be part of the experience, a small portion of the floragraph is left incomplete so the family can add the final touches.

In November, MTN hosted a floragraph ceremony for the Hechts to complete Joe’s portrait. The ceremony welcomed family, friends and representatives from MU Health Care.

The Hechts will participate in parade events hosted by OneLegacy, the organ procurement organization of southern California. They’ll get to see Joe’s floragraph on the float ahead of the parade and watch from the grandstand as the float travels down the route.

About the Parade & Float

The 2025 Rose Parade® theme is Best Day Ever.

The OneLegacy Donate Life float theme is Let Your Life Soar, inspired by the Japanese celebration of Children’s Day. The float will feature a vibrant scene of colorful koi nobori, or windsocks shaped like fish, flying over a garden of flowering trees, stone lanterns and a bridge. Streamers will bear a family crest, followed by koi nobori in a sequence representing father, mother and children. In Japan, “koi fish represent strength, courage and health. These same attributes define those who chose to give the gift of life, as well as their families and recipients.” The scales of the koi fish are floral portraits, or floragraphs, representing donor heroes.

Learn more about the OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade® float.

Watch the Parade

The 2025 OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade® float will be featured during the 136th Rose Parade® on Wednesday, Jan. 1 at 8 a.m. PST. The Rose Parade will broadcast live in the U.S. on NBC, ABC and Univision; please check your local broadcast listings for details.


A display table with framed portraits, a vase filled with flowers and a rendering of the OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade float 2025.

MTN hosted a floragraph finishing ceremony for the Hecht family as part of the Rose Parade experience.

A floragraph portrait of a man smiling.

A floragraph portrait of Joe Hecht, a donor hero from Sturgeon, Mo. The floragraph will be featured on the OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade float on Jan. 1, 2025.

A bouquet of flowers in the foreground and a woman getting a hug in the background.

Melissa Hecht gets a hug from a friend during the floragraph ceremony for her husband, Joe Hecht.

I.C. Collins

MTN Story of Hope: I.C. Collins

Cornea and heart transplant recipient I.C. Collins

I.C. Collins is a cornea and heart recipient and a volunteer Ambassador for Midwest Transplant Network (MTN).

“You only get one life, and at any moment, it can be taken away.”

I.C. Collins had been healthy until a bacterial eye infection led to him struggling with his vision. Despite receiving aggressive vision treatment, he still had eye difficulties.

Meanwhile, he began suffering from what he believed to be seasonal allergies. Nothing helped, and doctors assumed he must have previously had COVID-19 and had lingering symptoms. One day, a coworker mentioned that he didn’t look healthy and insisted that he see a doctor.

A cardiologist informed I.C. that his heart was failing. He was placed on strong medication to try to heal his heart.

Amid the chaos of learning about his heart failure, I.C. received a corneal transplant for his injured eye; he eventually also received a heart transplant.

“You only get one life, and at any moment, it can be taken away,” said I.C.’s son I.C. Collins IV. “For him to get the heart and for his body to receive it so well, it’s an awesome thing.”

Since his transplants, I.C. has become a volunteer Ambassador for Midwest Transplant Network, educating others about the importance of organ, eye and tissue donation.

“I decided I wanted to try to help as many people as I can,” he said.

To donor families, I.C. has one simple message: “Thank you from the bottom of whoever my donor’s heart was.”

Jimmy Cansler, heart recipient

MTN Story of Hope: Jimmy Cansler’s Journey to a Second Chance at Life

Jimmy Cansler

“I’m very thankful for the family that made the sacrifice to save me.”

In the summer of 2020, as the world grappled with the uncertainties of a global pandemic, 25-year-old Jimmy Cansler faced his own personal health crisis. What began as a persistent cough, which he initially thought was a sign of COVID-19, soon turned into a battle for his life. Despite being young and healthy, Jimmy’s condition rapidly deteriorated, leading to a shocking diagnosis: he needed a heart transplant.

The news was devastating. The reality of waiting for a donor heart amid a pandemic, when families were forced to stay apart, added another layer of difficulty. However, shortly after Jimmy was placed on the transplant waitlist, he received word a heart was available.

On the day of the surgery, Jimmy’s family was unable to be with him in the hospital due to COVID-19 restrictions, so they gathered at a nearby bar and grill, anxiously awaiting news. Then, they witnessed something extraordinary. “It was a surreal moment when we saw a helicopter land, and I knew that that was his heart,” recalled Ashley Garcia, Jimmy’s sister. “I knew that meant his heart was here, and it was either going to work or it wasn’t. An hour and a half later, we got the call that everything went well.” The transplant was a success, and Jimmy was given a second chance at life. But the experience left a lasting impact on the entire family, especially as they thought about the person who made this miracle possible… Jimmy’s donor. “When I think of beauty beyond, I think of how we can live our lives with grace and gratitude for families that are losing someone in order to save another life,” said Ashley.

For Jimmy, the gift of life is something he carries with deep appreciation. “I’m very thankful for the family that made the sacrifice to save me,” he said. “I’m grateful, and I want them to know that.” Today, Jimmy and his family continue to honor the memory of his donor, even though they remain anonymous, living each day with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude. Jimmy’s story is a powerful reminder of the incredible impact that organ donation can have, not only for the recipient but for everyone involved.

Kevin Calhoun and his family.

MTN Spotlight – Kevin Calhoun, Recipient

Kevin Calhoun and his family.

Celebrating Father’s Day: “A heart transplant allowed us to have our son.”

A heart transplant, an athletic competition, and a chance encounter that led to love are the elements of a great adventure, a life’s story, and a reason to celebrate Father’s Day.

In 2017, Kevin Calhoun traveled to Spain for the World Transplant Games. He’d had a heart transplant a few years earlier and was ready to compete in soccer and pétanque.

That same year, Kaci Keller was invited by a friend to support her at the World Transplant Games. Her friend asked “Do you want to travel with me? I want to go to Spain. I want to compete.”

Kaci said, “Yes, let’s go.”

Kevin lived in Kansas City and Kaci lived in Florida. They didn’t know each other but met at Team USA gatherings at the World Transplant Games, started talking and “kind of hit it off.” At the end of the week, it was time to go back home. Kaci shared part of a conversation with Kevin. “He said, ‘I didn’t come here looking for someone, but I like you. Can I call you when we get back to the states?’” They kept in touch with each other and within a year, they were engaged.

Now they have a family, and their son, Kyle, is 4.

“It’s such a blessing and we would not be here if it was not for the heart transplant that Kevin had and truly received the gift of life,” said Kaci.

“Kevin gets to celebrate Father’s Day because his heart transplant allowed us to have our son.”

“It’s the most fantastic thing in the world,” said Kevin. “Every day, I’m just amazed at our son’s smartness, creativity and his ability. I have my wife to thank, I have the Lord to thank, and my donor to thank. It sounds cliché but I until you’re a father, you really don’t know what it’s like.”

Kevin’s Heart Transplant Journey

In 2008, Kevin was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy – a disease of the heart muscle that causes the heart to have a harder time pumping blood to the rest of the body, which could lead to symptoms of heart failure.

For about eight years, he lived with the condition with medications, diet and a careful regimen. “But it pretty much got to a point where advanced surgery, or you know, a transplant was going to be needed,” he said.

“I waited a couple of weeks and that’s about when I received my gift.”  He recalled the moment by saying he “prayed that night to God and just kind of asked, ‘Prepare me for whatever this is going to look like, that way, I can kind of psychologically get prepared.’ And then that same night, I fell asleep so hard, which you never do in a hospital. I was awakened by my nurses, and they told me that my gift of life was ready.

“It’s kind of hard to talk about, but pretty much that same night was when I got my answer and received my gift thanks to my donor and his family, and it’s been good.”

Thankful to Donors

Kevin Calhoun sincerely appreciates donor heroes and their families.

“I think the focus needs to be on donor families because of what they’ve gone through to lose someone very valuable and important in their life, for someone else to be given a chance, to keep carrying on.”

He has had some correspondence with the donor family but is sensitive to speaking about the donor hero and their family out of respect.

From what he’s learned about his donor hero, the family has “painted a really nice picture of what he was like. And he was a really stellar, independent human being and what he was doing with his life is fantastic. It’s just a shame that it got taken so shortly, which makes it kind of hard to receive the gift, but at the same time…thank you.”

Together, the Calhouns are volunteer Ambassadors who represent Midwest Transplant Network by sharing information and enhancing awareness of what it means to be a registered organ, eye and tissue donors.

Father’s Day Fun

The Calhouns will celebrate Father’s Day weekend with family.

“We have a big family reunion with a lot of family from out of town. There will be a lot of fathers hanging out. Kaci, Kyle and I will probably go to the park after church on Sunday to take Kyle fishing. He’s really been getting into it.”

DAISY certificates

Getting Their Flowers: MTN Staff Earn a DAISY Team Award

The excitement in “We won a DAISY with WMC!!!!” says a lot.

The story behind the sentiment says even more.

In December 2023, a car accident sent Dwayne ‘D Dub’ Moenning to the emergency department at Wesley Healthcare in Wichita, Kansas. He was cared for by a Surgical Intensive Care Unit for about a week, but despite efforts to save him, he passed away. Moenning’s family chose to donate their son’s organs. And they wanted his classmates to attend his honor walk. The school is more than an hour’s drive to the hospital.

MTN’s Impact
Midwest Transplant Network staff Midge Dempsey, Family Services Coordinator II, and Nikki Dixon, Hospital Services Coordinator II, work in the Wichita satellite office. They served on the team that supported the Moenning family, and both made an impact.

Dempsey describes her job as supporting families “during one of the worst days of their lives by giving them hope and to allow them to experience joy amidst their pain.”

Dempsey explained that when the time came to approach the Moenning family about donation, they struggled with the decision, but after conversation and explaining the organ donation process, they “eventually verbalized how important it was for D Dub to save lives.” Soon, Dempsey was helping the family plan an honor walk and coordinating efforts to bring classmates and community members from their small town to the hospital.

“They were finding comfort in donation and how D Dub would be honored.”

Earning The DAISY Team Award
The DAISY Team Award is designed to honor collaboration by two or more people, led by a nurse, who identify and meet patient and patient family needs by going above and beyond the traditional role of nursing.

Wesley Healthcare presented The DAISY Team Award to a multi-disciplinary SICU team that included partners and others who had an instrumental role in the Moenning’s story. The ceremony was held May 8, in the heart of National Nurses Week.

“Earning a DAISY Team Award brings validation to my life and reminds me that I am following the path that has been paved for me. This award brings me joy because I know that I was able to provide someone with something they needed at a given time,” said Dempsey.

As a Hospital Services Coordinator, Dixon is responsible for “education, onboarding, policy development and problem-solving. Most importantly, I teach hospital staff when to refer patients to MTN and help facilitate the relationship between the hospital and Midwest Transplant Network.”

Dixon’s thoughts about the honor are similar. “Earning The DAISY Team Award as part of a hospital/MTN team is a blessing. We work very closely with the hospital team and winning an award together is a testament to that partnership.”

There’s another layer to the award for Dixon. “I spent my bedside nursing career in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Wesley, so this hospital is dear to my heart. I am very proud to serve Wesley as their MTN Hospital Services Coordinator. Organ donation saved my late father’s life twice, so I am honored to be part of this mission.”

About The DAISY Award
The DAISY Award was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes in honor of the care he received after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease at the age of 33, in 1999. While he was hospitalized, his family “experienced the best of nursing.”

After Barnes died, his wife created the acronym DAISY – Diseases Attacking the Immune System – and the family created a not-for-profit organization, and The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses began at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance at the University of Washington Medical Center. The DAISY Award is described as “the first program of its kind to give patients, families, and co-workers a way to express their gratitude to nurses for what they became nurses to do – provide compassionate care to patients and their families.”

The DAISY Award has become a strategic tool for nurse recruitment, retention and resilience that has been adopted by healthcare organizations and schools of nursing in the U.S. and around the world.  Learn more about the program from The DAISY Foundation.



Two ladies holding certificates in front of a star-themed background.

Midge Dempsey and Nikki Dixon, Midwest Transplant Network, pose with The DAISY Team Award certificates they received at a ceremony at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas.

Four ladies posing for a picture in front of a star-themed background.

Midge Dempsey, Jennifer Scheuber, Amy Keith, Wesley Medical Center, and Nikki Dixon are all smiles at The DAISY Awards celebration.

A group of people holding certificates.

Wesley Healthcare recognized its Surgical Intensive Care Unit with The DAISY Team Award at a ceremony during National Nurses Week.


A pressed flower butterfly.

Midwest Transplant Network Presents Annual Awards for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation Excellence

Midwest Transplant Network staff members recognize their partners in saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation by presenting the annual Excellence in Donation Awards to hospitals, individuals and organizations in our community.

Based on 2023 donation outcomes, Midwest Transplant Network presents the Excellence in Organ and Tissue Donation Awards to hospitals that had a higher-than-average number of families granting authorization for donation. The organization also gives these awards to exceptional partners in hospitals; licensing, treasury and Department of Revenue offices; medical examiner officers; funeral homes and beyond. These individuals made an extraordinary contribution to Midwest Transplant Network’s lifesaving mission.


Butterflies and Organ Donation

The butterfly holds deep symbolism in organ, eye and tissue donation. The butterfly is associated with hope, renewal and transformation; just as a caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis to become a butterfly, organ donation represents a transformative process for donor families and transplant recipients – the gift of life that brings hope to those in need.

Award honorees received a beautiful, pressed flower butterfly print by artist Ashley Foster. She believes that flowers symbolize joy, love and gratitude.


2024 Excellence in Donation Honorees

Midwest Transplant Network collaborates with 250 hospitals and recognized the following:

Organ and tissue excellence: Overland Park Regional Medical Center, Freeman Health System, Hays Medical Center, Lee’s Summit Medical Center, Saint Luke’s East Hospital, Capital Region Medical Center, Hutchinson Regional Medical Center.

Organ excellence: AdventHealth South Overland Park, Mercy Hospital Joplin, Centerpoint Medical Center, Stormont Vail Health Care, The University of Kansas Health System, Olathe Medical Center, Liberty Hospital, Saint Luke’s North Hospital.

Tissue excellence: Mosaic Life Care, AdventHealth Shawnee Mission, Salina Regional Health Center, The University of Kansas Health System St. Francis Campus, Kansas Medical Center, Nevada Regional Medical Center.


In addition to hospitals, Midwest Transplant Network collaborates with countless individuals and teams and recognized the following:

Individual and group honorees: Olivia Zhang, CST, University of Missouri Health Care; Amy Keith, BSN, Wesley Medical Center; Crystal Vail, RN, BSN, Freeman; Ciara Wright, Ph.D, The University of Kansas Health System; Johnson County Medical Examiner’s Office; Deborah Washam, RN, MS, Greater Kansas City Black Nurses Association; Anthony Harrington, MD, Blue Sky Neurology, Research Medical Center; Naftali Presser, MD, Research Medical Center; Bhargava Mullapudi, MD, Children’s Mercy Kansas City; Andrew Widman, volunteer Ambassador.


About Midwest Transplant Network

Midwest Transplant Network has been connecting lives through organ donation since 1973. As the federally designated not-for-profit organ procurement organization (OPO) for Kansas and the western two-thirds of Missouri, Midwest Transplant Network provides services including organ procurement; surgical tissue and eye recovery; laboratory testing; and 24-hour rapid response for referrals from hospital partners. Midwest Transplant Network ranks in the top 10% in the country among OPOs, which reflects the organization’s quality, professionalism and excellence in partnerships throughout the region. For more information, visit mwtn.org.



A butterfly made of pressed flowers in a photo frame.

A pressed flower butterfly print given to award honorees at MTN’s Excellence in Donation ceremony.

Guests seated at a table at an awards celebration.

Guests at MTN’s annual Excellence in Donation Awards ceremony smile for a photo.

A man at a podium holding a microphone.

Andrew Widman, MTN Ambassador, speaking at the podium at MTN’s Excellence in Donation Awards ceremony.

Bubble ceremony

Excellence in Donation Awards ceremony guests participating in a bubble remembrance.

Scot Pollard at the hospital standing with a walker

Scot Pollard’s Transplant Journey: A Big Heart for a Big Legend

A tall man in a hospital room, wearing a hospital gown and standing with a walker.

Scot Pollard stands with a walker in a hospital room during his care as he underwent a heart transplant. Photo provided by the Pollard family.

At 6’11”, Scot Pollard’s size has often been credited as a gift, propelling him into an 11-year NBA career following his legendary time with the Kansas Jayhawks men’s basketball team, during which he helped Kansas reach the NCAA Sweet 16 four seasons in a row.

In 2021, Pollard’s heart health began to rapidly decline due to a hereditary condition exacerbated by a contracted virus. It eventually became apparent that most medical solutions would not be enough. He needed a new heart, and more than that, he needed a really big one.

The respective body size of an organ donor and a registered transplant candidate are factors in determining whether a successful transplant is possible – especially for a heart. In the case of someone as large as Pollard, the odds of finding a match are lower.

“It’s not like being tall is a curse. It’s not. It’s still a blessing. But, I have known my entire life that there’s a good chance I wasn’t going to get old,” said Pollard in an interview with the Associated Press. “And so it gives you a different perspective on how you live your life and how you treat people and all that kind of stuff.”

Pollard and his wife, Dawn, revealed his condition on social media in January. They went on to post updates and participate in news interviews to share his progress, which in turn raised national awareness for the complexities surrounding organ transplantation and the importance of organ donation.

He underwent a successful heart transplant surgery on Feb. 16, after which he “immediately felt better.” Just 13 days later, he strutted out of the hospital to a chorus of applause.

Through this journey, Pollard has learned about the lifesaving gift of organ donation, and even hopes to one day connect with the family of his donor hero. “I would love to show them this heart isn’t going to waste.” Every donor hero can save up to eight lives, and Pollard hopes that by educating his friends, neighbors and fans, he can contribute to this life-saving work. “I’m going to annoy people with becoming a donor. That’s going to be a project for the rest of my life,” he said.

In honor of National Donate Life Month, Midwest Transplant Network is proud to recognize Scot Pollard as a Green Ribbon Champion for his openness about his transplant journey and advocacy for organ donation. Green Ribbon Champions are individuals who are passionate about increasing the number of registered organ donors in their communities, understanding that a simple “yes” can help give hope and share life to the thousands in need of life-saving organ transplants.

Midwest Transplant Network invites you to consider joining your state’s organ donor registry and encourage others to do the same. Learn more about the types of donation, including the option to be a living donor, and the incredibly positive emotional experiences of organ donor families and transplant recipients.

Join the organ, eye and tissue donor registry in Kansas and Missouri at ShareLifeMidwest.com or join the national donor registry at RegisterMe.org.

An Air Force pilot sitting in the cockpit of a military aircraft.

MTN Staff Spotlight – Kelly Timmermann

An Air Force pilot sitting in the cockpit of a military aircraft.

Kelly Timmermann can fly. She’s a Corporate Pilot PIC I for Midwest Transplant Network. Her career began as an Air Force pilot and she retired as Lt. Col. Timmermann in late 2023.

March is Women’s History Month, designated by presidential proclamation in 1980. Now, Women’s History Month is an annual observance to highlight the achievements, contributions, influence and impact of women.

Midwest Transplant Network recognizes and celebrates the diversity of our staff. We appreciate sharing the stories of staff who represent different experiences that positively impact our culture and mission.

Kelly Timmermann, Corporate Pilot PIC I

Kelly Timmermann can fly. From the Air Force to Midwest Transplant Network, her career as a pilot has taken her around the world and across the country. In late 2023, Lt. Col. Timmermann retired from the Air Force after 23 years as a pilot, having experienced 13 deployments and 1,940 combat hours. She joined MTN in 2022 as a Corporate Pilot PIC I, responsible for transporting teams to cases in the mission of saving and enhancing lives through organ, eye and tissue donation.

In 50 words or less, explain your job in the Air Force like you’re talking to someone without a military background.

I began my Air Force journey as an intelligence analyst. After two years, I switched my career path to become a pilot. I primarily flew an air refueling airplane, the KC-135. But I also had the opportunity to fly distinguished passengers in the Gulfstream IV and Gulfstream V aircraft, with many leadership roles along the way.

What influence did female mentors, role models or colleagues have on your military service, education or life in general?

Most of my superiors, mentors and colleagues were men. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities and leadership over the years. But you asked about women, and my very best friendships have been amazing women – family, Air Force friends, and high school friends. I’ve had a solid support network, sounding board, and sometimes a good kick in the pants (when warranted) from my ladies. Having someone invest in your success whole-heartedly is validating and empowering. I owe my success to those who believed in me.

March is Women’s History Month. What does it mean to you to have had a successful career as a pilot in the Air Force?

I am proud that I was able to choose a path in the Air Force that allowed me both professional and personal progression. Professionals of all backgrounds face difficult decisions to balance family and work-life. Women have the added consideration of bearing children. Choosing to be an Air Force pilot was one of the biggest decisions of my life. I knew it would mean frequent travel and moving, and I knew it was possible I would do it alone. It’s tough to meet people when you’re not in a place that’s home. I’m a little amazed and grateful that I was able to navigate a career, have a family and meet my goals as a pilot, but I did it!

What motivated you to become a pilot? What kept you motivated?

I didn’t consider a pilot career until I was in the Air Force. I knew it was a marketable skill and I was fascinated to find a professional path that would give me an office in an airplane! I’ve always been aware of long-term stability and choosing a job was another item for consideration. There is a huge need for pilots, and that equates to long-term stability. As for motivation, that’s the only way I know how to do things…to be motivated.

Where’d you train to become a pilot?

I trained for my private pilot’s license at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. My Air Force Undergraduate Pilot training was at Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas.

What’s your advice to women who want to pursue aviation?

Make it happen. If you are willing to work for it, it is achievable!

If your career imitated a movie, which movie would it be?

I couldn’t find one about determination and persistence without a heartbreaking tragedy to overcome. Haha!

If you hadn’t become a pilot, what would you have done for your career?

I do not know! I narrowed it down to psychology and counseling but was also interested in the medical field. See? Varied interests make it tough to decide, so why not fly?

A mother and two children gather around a cake with a sparkling candle.

Kelly Timmermann and her children are smiling in excitement at a sparkling candle in the center of a small cake.

Now that you’ve retired from the Air Force, do you have a retirement bucket list? What’s one thing you’d share from your list?

My husband is still in the Air Force, so we will make a bucket list when it is his time to retire. However, the short-term benefit is I only have one job, instead of a second job with the Air Force Reserve, and I spend the extra time with my two awesome kiddos.


From your perspective, how does your role at Midwest Transplant Network impact organ donation and transplantation?

We give MTN the ability to have someone spend an hour of travel instead of four hours of travel at the beginning and the end of a 24-hour shift. This is essential! I feel directly connected to perpetuating this awesome mission because the airplane helps lower attrition. Additionally, being able to take a team to an OR and then bring them home cuts a lot of stress and work from logistics planning. I know our staff are appreciative when the airplane is available to relieve the burden of travel and we are happy to be part of the mission.


What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about organ donation?

I was not familiar with organ donation at all, except that you’re asked the question at the DMV about becoming an organ donor. Learning about the process has helped me to stress to my family and friends how important it is to make your decision known for organ donation. It makes a difference and alleviates family stress when the worst happens.


Where are you from?

Salisbury, Missouri.


It’s March Madness! You’re hosting a Women’s Final Four Championship party. What snacks are you serving?

I’m serving hot wings, guac and chips, pizza, and everybody brings a favorite. Sharing is caring!

A large U.S. Air Force plane.

Kelly Timmermann poses in front of a U.S. Air Force plane.

A woman wearing a black ball cap that reads Afghanistan Veteran.

Lt. Col. Kelly Timmermann retired from the U.S. Air Force after a 23-year career as a pilot.