MTN staff member delivering NDLM treats

Virtual Efforts Provide Hope During Donate Life Month

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Reflecting on National Donate Life Month (NDLM), we are grateful to our hospital partners, community supporters, volunteer Ambassadors, staff members, board members and beyond for finding creative ways to celebrate. Throughout April, donation advocates across our service area spread the word about organ, eye and tissue donation.

MTN staff member and son with dogwood sapling

Some of our staff members planted flowering dogwood saplings in their yards. These enduring, symbolic trees will grow stronger and blossom with life year after year.

MTN staff members deliver NDLM treats

Other staff members took NDLM goody bags to hospitals while adhering to social distancing guidelines. They delivered NDLM posters to help educate patients and staff about donation, along with treats for hospital staff, including hand sanitizer, green ribbon pins, badge pulls and more.

We heard from donor and recipient families during National Pediatric Transplant Awareness Week (April 19 – 25). If you missed their inspiring, heartfelt stories, check out our Facebook or Instagram pages.

Ambassadors and Green Ribbon Champions told us why they support donation in recorded videos. They encouraged viewers on our social media platforms to become registered donors.

NDLM sidewalk chalk

Families decorated their sidewalks and storm doors with donation-related messages and designs, bringing visual attention to the cause all around our service area.

Thank you to everyone near and far who found ways to honor donor heroes and celebrate the gift of donation. We appreciate all the videos, social media posts, artwork and socially distanced visits that helped promote organ, eye and tissue donation.

Looking ahead, we plan to use the momentum we feel from NDLM to connect with everyone virtually for our fourth annual Donate Life Legacy Walk. Since it won’t be held in person, the walk will look different this year — yet we know the same thought-provoking, inspiring stories will arise as we all take time to honor the gift of life.