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Lucas Oswald

Lucas Oswald was fun, loving and — most of all — a caring individual.

“He was a big-hearted kid, always trying to help others,” said Lucas’ mother, Tabatha Oswald.

At the young age of 16, Lucas passed away due to an arteriovenous malformation.

Tabatha was all for donating Lucas’ organs and tissues because he was such a giving person, yet her husband and Lucas’ father, Matt Oswald, initially disagreed.

“One of my concerns was that I wanted him to have an open-casket funeral,” Matt stated. With reassurance that Lucas could still have an open-casket funeral even after donating and upon hearing the stories of people who have been impacted by donation, Matt agreed.

“At the funeral, his family and friends were able to see him and say goodbye one last time. Hopefully it has changed the mind of others on becoming a donor,” Matt said.

“I think God has our stories written, and we don’t always understand it,” Tabatha said. “We prayed for a miracle, and even though we didn’t get the miracle we wanted, Lucas being able to donate to others and impact over 100 lives makes it a beautiful thing. Lucas’ legacy will live on.”

Lucas Oswald’s Family

Pictured — back row, left to right: Austin Oswald, Lucas’ brother; Landrie Hicks, Austin’s fiancée; Tabatha Oswald, Lucas’ mother; Matt Oswald, Lucas’ father. Front row, left to right: Lakota Oswald, Lucas’ sister; Anabelle Oswald, Lucas’ sister.