Jimmy Cansler, heart recipient

Jimmy Cansler

When Jimmy Cansler developed a cough in summer 2020, he assumed he had contracted COVID-19. Over the next few weeks, though, his symptoms worsened significantly, despite him being a normally healthy 25 year old.

He learned he would need a heart transplant. Luckily, he received the call that a heart was available soon after he was placed on the waitlist.

Due to the pandemic, most of his family couldn’t be with him in the hospital. They waited at a nearby bar and grill as he was in surgery and witnessed a special delivery.

“It was a surreal moment when we saw a helicopter land, and I knew that that was his heart,” said Ashley Garcia, Jimmy’s sister. “I knew that meant his heart was here, and it was either going to work or it wasn’t. An hour and a half later, we got the call that everything went well.”

Several years later, the family continues to think about Jimmy’s donor and their family.

“When I think of beauty beyond, I think of how we can live our lives with grace and gratitude for families that are losing someone in order to save another life,” Ashley said.

“I’m very thankful for the family that made the sacrifice to save me,” Jimmy said. “I’m grateful, and I want them to know that.”

Jimmy Cansler’s Family

Pictured — back row, left to right: Cruz Garcia, Jimmy’s nephew; Ashley Garcia, Jimmy’s sister; David Garcia, Jimmy’s brother-in-law; Jimmy Cansler; Stacey Apple, Jimmy’s mother. Front row: Jett Garcia, Jimmy’s nephew.

Pictured — back row, left to right: Cruz Garcia, Jimmy’s nephew; Ashley Garcia, Jimmy’s sister; David Garcia, Jimmy’s brother-in-law; Jimmy Cansler; Stacey Apple, Jimmy’s mother. Front row: Jett Garcia, Jimmy’s nephew.