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Real-life stories of organ and tissue donation (Midwest Transplant Network, Kansas and Missouri)

Dr. Larry Romang

Simply put, in the eyes of his family, Larry was the “man who hung the moon.” His quiet confidence and ability to just enjoy the world around him left those who knew him feeling valued and respected.

His passion for loving and helping others was clear to his family, patients, colleagues, medical students, or a stranger in need. “Most of all, he loved through his faith in Jesus,” said his daughter, Beth Reynolds.

After Larry suffered a brain aneurysm, his family knew he would want to help others through donation. As the family gathered by his side, they filled the hospital room with laughter telling stories of living with an M.D., or “My Daddy,” as they thought his signature meant as children.

When his grandson, Drew, learned that his grandfather would be able to save others by being an organ donor, he told his family, “That makes him a superhero!” And his mother agreed, adding “He was and always will be our superhero.”

Dr. Larry Romang’s Family

Real-life stories of organ and tissue donation (Midwest Transplant Network, Kansas and Missouri)

In photo: Karen Romang, Sara Cormany, Beth Reynolds, and Abigail Patton (Wife and daughters)