Brandon Pate

Brandon Pate

Brandon and Paige Pate met in college while playing basketball for rival universities. Brandon’s love for basketball continued beyond his collegiate days, and he was able to coach and teach his students and athletes about accountability, hard work and respect both on and off the court.

A few months after he had started a job at his son’s elementary school and gotten a high school basketball head coaching position, he died unexpectedly. Suddenly, Paige found herself making the decision for Brandon to donate his organs, eyes and tissues.

“We never really talked about donation, and if I could say anything to families, it’s to have those difficult conversations,” she said. “He would give and help others if he could, and I tried to come up with something positive to come out of all this tragedy. He was young, strong and healthy, and his body could still be a gift to someone.”

Brandon’s parents agreed with Paige that donation was something they could do to honor Brandon and help others.

“I know that he’s helping people here on earth and still living on through others,” Paige continued.

For her, the beauty of donation centers on her and Brandon’s son.

“I can tell our son, Braylon, that Daddy helped others, and Daddy is still a hero even after he died,” she said.

Brandon Pate’s Family

Pictured — left to right: Paige Pate, Brandon’s wife; Braylon Pate, Brandon’s son