Tag Archive for: transplantation

An infographic displaying 1,075, the number of lifesaving organ transplants provided by Midwest Transplant Network in 2024.

Lifesaving Achievements: Midwest Transplant Network saves lives through 1,075 organ transplants in 2024

In 2024, Midwest Transplant Network set a new level of achievement for the number of organs recovered for transplantation, organ donors, eye and tissue donors, and laboratory tests performed in the accomplishment of its mission work.

MTN, a not-for-profit organ procurement organization (OPO), is privileged to work with donor families to extend their loved one’s legacy in providing 1,075* lifesaving organs for transplantation. The 399 donor hero’s gifts made it possible for grateful recipients to have a new lease on life. MTN recovered tissues from 1,447 donor heroes.

As a highly ranked OPO, Midwest Transplant Network consistently performs in the top 10% in the country among 56 OPOs, according to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“In 2024, for the first time in our history, we reached a milestone of 1,075 organs transplanted. It’s a remarkable achievement that’s only made possible by the generosity of people who said yes to being organ donors,” said Jan Finn, RN, MSN, President & CEO, Midwest Transplant Network.

“We are truly grateful to the donor heroes and their families for giving these gifts to save lives. The impact of their decision means so much, like a child receiving a kidney, or a teenager getting a new heart, or someone who’s been waiting for a long time getting the call that a liver is available and it’s a good match.

“This achievement reflects the commitment of our staff and hospital partners to honor the gifts of organ donation, and to make a difference in the lives of people who are waiting for a transplant. It’s all connected,” said Finn.


2024: An Impactful Year
One organ donor can save eight lives; a tissue donor can enhance 100 lives. Through MTN, organ, eye and tissue donor heroes and their families saved and enhanced lives:

• 399 donor heroes shared the gift of life, resulting in 1,075* lifesaving organ transplants.
(*Excluding organs donated for research)
• 1,447 cornea and tissue donor heroes saved and enhanced lives.
• MTN’s lab performed 40,075 transplant-supporting tests ranging from blood counts, urinalysis, basic chemistry panels and more.
• In its second full year of service, MTN’s Donor Care and Surgical Recovery Unit (DCU) cared for 131 donor hero patients resulting in 430 lifesaving transplants.

MTN’s award-winning histocompatibility lab conducts tests such as assessing blood work for potential matches for organ, tissue and bone marrow transplantation, as well as post-transplant monitoring.

“The MTN lab plays a vital role in organ donation, where our testing helps bridge the gap between hope and life, connecting donors to patients in need of life-saving transplants,” said Christina Bishop, MT(ASCP), Ph.D., F(ACHI), Chief of Laboratory Services.

“The Donor Care and Surgical Recovery Unit is two years into operation, and we know we’re making a difference. By having a dedicated intensive care unit and surgical recovery suite to recover organs, eyes and tissues means that our trusted staff can move quickly and efficiently to help save and enhance lives,” said Lori Markham, RN, MSN, CCRN, Vice President & Chief Clinical Officer.


At a Glance

An infographic displaying 2024 end-of-year data for Midwest Transplant Network.











Reflecting a National Increase in Organ Donation

MTN’s performance increases reflect a national upward trend for the organ transplant system.

The United Network for Organ Sharing reported that across the country, 48,149 lifesaving transplants were performed in 2024.

On average, the U.S. performed 132 organ transplants a day in 2024.

Although organ transplants are increasing nationally and locally, the waiting list grows. Nearly 104,000 people around the country need a lifesaving organ transplant — with approximately 488 of those people living in Kansas and 2,032 in Missouri.

The Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) set a bold aim to achieve 50,000 annual organ transplants in 2026 by working with key stakeholders on multiple initiatives. Midwest Transplant Network is a leader in helping to reach the bold goal to save lives.

Incorporated in 1973, Midwest Transplant Network facilitates organ, eye and tissue donation in partnership with hospitals and other professional partners to give hope and share life. MTN’s service area is the state of Kansas and western two-thirds of Missouri, with its central office located in Westwood, Kansas, and satellite offices in Wichita, Kansas, and Columbia and Joplin, Missouri. MTN commemorated 50 years of service in 2023.

DAISY certificates

Getting Their Flowers: MTN Staff Earn a DAISY Team Award

The excitement in “We won a DAISY with WMC!!!!” says a lot.

The story behind the sentiment says even more.

In December 2023, a car accident sent Dwayne ‘D Dub’ Moenning to the emergency department at Wesley Healthcare in Wichita, Kansas. He was cared for by a Surgical Intensive Care Unit for about a week, but despite efforts to save him, he passed away. Moenning’s family chose to donate their son’s organs. And they wanted his classmates to attend his honor walk. The school is more than an hour’s drive to the hospital.

MTN’s Impact
Midwest Transplant Network staff Midge Dempsey, Family Services Coordinator II, and Nikki Dixon, Hospital Services Coordinator II, work in the Wichita satellite office. They served on the team that supported the Moenning family, and both made an impact.

Dempsey describes her job as supporting families “during one of the worst days of their lives by giving them hope and to allow them to experience joy amidst their pain.”

Dempsey explained that when the time came to approach the Moenning family about donation, they struggled with the decision, but after conversation and explaining the organ donation process, they “eventually verbalized how important it was for D Dub to save lives.” Soon, Dempsey was helping the family plan an honor walk and coordinating efforts to bring classmates and community members from their small town to the hospital.

“They were finding comfort in donation and how D Dub would be honored.”

Earning The DAISY Team Award
The DAISY Team Award is designed to honor collaboration by two or more people, led by a nurse, who identify and meet patient and patient family needs by going above and beyond the traditional role of nursing.

Wesley Healthcare presented The DAISY Team Award to a multi-disciplinary SICU team that included partners and others who had an instrumental role in the Moenning’s story. The ceremony was held May 8, in the heart of National Nurses Week.

“Earning a DAISY Team Award brings validation to my life and reminds me that I am following the path that has been paved for me. This award brings me joy because I know that I was able to provide someone with something they needed at a given time,” said Dempsey.

As a Hospital Services Coordinator, Dixon is responsible for “education, onboarding, policy development and problem-solving. Most importantly, I teach hospital staff when to refer patients to MTN and help facilitate the relationship between the hospital and Midwest Transplant Network.”

Dixon’s thoughts about the honor are similar. “Earning The DAISY Team Award as part of a hospital/MTN team is a blessing. We work very closely with the hospital team and winning an award together is a testament to that partnership.”

There’s another layer to the award for Dixon. “I spent my bedside nursing career in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Wesley, so this hospital is dear to my heart. I am very proud to serve Wesley as their MTN Hospital Services Coordinator. Organ donation saved my late father’s life twice, so I am honored to be part of this mission.”

About The DAISY Award
The DAISY Award was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes in honor of the care he received after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease at the age of 33, in 1999. While he was hospitalized, his family “experienced the best of nursing.”

After Barnes died, his wife created the acronym DAISY – Diseases Attacking the Immune System – and the family created a not-for-profit organization, and The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses began at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance at the University of Washington Medical Center. The DAISY Award is described as “the first program of its kind to give patients, families, and co-workers a way to express their gratitude to nurses for what they became nurses to do – provide compassionate care to patients and their families.”

The DAISY Award has become a strategic tool for nurse recruitment, retention and resilience that has been adopted by healthcare organizations and schools of nursing in the U.S. and around the world.  Learn more about the program from The DAISY Foundation.



Two ladies holding certificates in front of a star-themed background.

Midge Dempsey and Nikki Dixon, Midwest Transplant Network, pose with The DAISY Team Award certificates they received at a ceremony at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas.

Four ladies posing for a picture in front of a star-themed background.

Midge Dempsey, Jennifer Scheuber, Amy Keith, Wesley Medical Center, and Nikki Dixon are all smiles at The DAISY Awards celebration.

A group of people holding certificates.

Wesley Healthcare recognized its Surgical Intensive Care Unit with The DAISY Team Award at a ceremony during National Nurses Week.


A pressed flower butterfly.

Midwest Transplant Network Presents Annual Awards for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation Excellence

Midwest Transplant Network staff members recognize their partners in saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation by presenting the annual Excellence in Donation Awards to hospitals, individuals and organizations in our community.

Based on 2023 donation outcomes, Midwest Transplant Network presents the Excellence in Organ and Tissue Donation Awards to hospitals that had a higher-than-average number of families granting authorization for donation. The organization also gives these awards to exceptional partners in hospitals; licensing, treasury and Department of Revenue offices; medical examiner officers; funeral homes and beyond. These individuals made an extraordinary contribution to Midwest Transplant Network’s lifesaving mission.


Butterflies and Organ Donation

The butterfly holds deep symbolism in organ, eye and tissue donation. The butterfly is associated with hope, renewal and transformation; just as a caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis to become a butterfly, organ donation represents a transformative process for donor families and transplant recipients – the gift of life that brings hope to those in need.

Award honorees received a beautiful, pressed flower butterfly print by artist Ashley Foster. She believes that flowers symbolize joy, love and gratitude.


2024 Excellence in Donation Honorees

Midwest Transplant Network collaborates with 250 hospitals and recognized the following:

Organ and tissue excellence: Overland Park Regional Medical Center, Freeman Health System, Hays Medical Center, Lee’s Summit Medical Center, Saint Luke’s East Hospital, Capital Region Medical Center, Hutchinson Regional Medical Center.

Organ excellence: AdventHealth South Overland Park, Mercy Hospital Joplin, Centerpoint Medical Center, Stormont Vail Health Care, The University of Kansas Health System, Olathe Medical Center, Liberty Hospital, Saint Luke’s North Hospital.

Tissue excellence: Mosaic Life Care, AdventHealth Shawnee Mission, Salina Regional Health Center, The University of Kansas Health System St. Francis Campus, Kansas Medical Center, Nevada Regional Medical Center.


In addition to hospitals, Midwest Transplant Network collaborates with countless individuals and teams and recognized the following:

Individual and group honorees: Olivia Zhang, CST, University of Missouri Health Care; Amy Keith, BSN, Wesley Medical Center; Crystal Vail, RN, BSN, Freeman; Ciara Wright, Ph.D, The University of Kansas Health System; Johnson County Medical Examiner’s Office; Deborah Washam, RN, MS, Greater Kansas City Black Nurses Association; Anthony Harrington, MD, Blue Sky Neurology, Research Medical Center; Naftali Presser, MD, Research Medical Center; Bhargava Mullapudi, MD, Children’s Mercy Kansas City; Andrew Widman, volunteer Ambassador.


About Midwest Transplant Network

Midwest Transplant Network has been connecting lives through organ donation since 1973. As the federally designated not-for-profit organ procurement organization (OPO) for Kansas and the western two-thirds of Missouri, Midwest Transplant Network provides services including organ procurement; surgical tissue and eye recovery; laboratory testing; and 24-hour rapid response for referrals from hospital partners. Midwest Transplant Network ranks in the top 10% in the country among OPOs, which reflects the organization’s quality, professionalism and excellence in partnerships throughout the region. For more information, visit mwtn.org.



A butterfly made of pressed flowers in a photo frame.

A pressed flower butterfly print given to award honorees at MTN’s Excellence in Donation ceremony.

Guests seated at a table at an awards celebration.

Guests at MTN’s annual Excellence in Donation Awards ceremony smile for a photo.

A man at a podium holding a microphone.

Andrew Widman, MTN Ambassador, speaking at the podium at MTN’s Excellence in Donation Awards ceremony.

Bubble ceremony

Excellence in Donation Awards ceremony guests participating in a bubble remembrance.

Scot Pollard at the hospital standing with a walker

Scot Pollard’s Transplant Journey: A Big Heart for a Big Legend

A tall man in a hospital room, wearing a hospital gown and standing with a walker.

Scot Pollard stands with a walker in a hospital room during his care as he underwent a heart transplant. Photo provided by the Pollard family.

At 6’11”, Scot Pollard’s size has often been credited as a gift, propelling him into an 11-year NBA career following his legendary time with the Kansas Jayhawks men’s basketball team, during which he helped Kansas reach the NCAA Sweet 16 four seasons in a row.

In 2021, Pollard’s heart health began to rapidly decline due to a hereditary condition exacerbated by a contracted virus. It eventually became apparent that most medical solutions would not be enough. He needed a new heart, and more than that, he needed a really big one.

The respective body size of an organ donor and a registered transplant candidate are factors in determining whether a successful transplant is possible – especially for a heart. In the case of someone as large as Pollard, the odds of finding a match are lower.

“It’s not like being tall is a curse. It’s not. It’s still a blessing. But, I have known my entire life that there’s a good chance I wasn’t going to get old,” said Pollard in an interview with the Associated Press. “And so it gives you a different perspective on how you live your life and how you treat people and all that kind of stuff.”

Pollard and his wife, Dawn, revealed his condition on social media in January. They went on to post updates and participate in news interviews to share his progress, which in turn raised national awareness for the complexities surrounding organ transplantation and the importance of organ donation.

He underwent a successful heart transplant surgery on Feb. 16, after which he “immediately felt better.” Just 13 days later, he strutted out of the hospital to a chorus of applause.

Through this journey, Pollard has learned about the lifesaving gift of organ donation, and even hopes to one day connect with the family of his donor hero. “I would love to show them this heart isn’t going to waste.” Every donor hero can save up to eight lives, and Pollard hopes that by educating his friends, neighbors and fans, he can contribute to this life-saving work. “I’m going to annoy people with becoming a donor. That’s going to be a project for the rest of my life,” he said.

In honor of National Donate Life Month, Midwest Transplant Network is proud to recognize Scot Pollard as a Green Ribbon Champion for his openness about his transplant journey and advocacy for organ donation. Green Ribbon Champions are individuals who are passionate about increasing the number of registered organ donors in their communities, understanding that a simple “yes” can help give hope and share life to the thousands in need of life-saving organ transplants.

Midwest Transplant Network invites you to consider joining your state’s organ donor registry and encourage others to do the same. Learn more about the types of donation, including the option to be a living donor, and the incredibly positive emotional experiences of organ donor families and transplant recipients.

Join the organ, eye and tissue donor registry in Kansas and Missouri at ShareLifeMidwest.com or join the national donor registry at RegisterMe.org.

MTN logo

Midwest Transplant Network surpasses expectations to save and enhance lives in 2023

One organ donor can save eight lives; a tissue donor can enhance 100 lives.

In 2023, Midwest Transplant Network set a new level of achievement for the number of organs recovered for transplantation, organ donors, eye and tissue donors, and laboratory tests performed as part of organ, eye and tissue donation.

MTN, a not-for-profit organ procurement organization (OPO), achieved 988 lifesaving organs for transplantation. The gifts came from 363 donor heroes. MTN also recovered gifts of eye and tissue from 1,399 donors.

“What we achieved at Midwest Transplant Network in 2023 reflects the commitment of the staff who do the work every day to support organ donation and transplantation. The work is hard, and happens in countless ways, but we are all dedicated to the mission of enhancing and saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation” said Jan Finn, RN, MSN, President & CEO, Midwest Transplant Network.

MTN’s award-winning histocompatibility lab performed 36,224 tests assessing blood work for potential matches for organ, tissue and bone marrow transplantation, as well as post-transplant monitoring.

“MTN’s professional laboratory staff performs thousands of tests in support of organ transplants for patients in our community, as well as patients across the country. Each year, the laboratory’s service grows as we continue to provide exceptional quality and expert consultation services 24/7 to transplant centers,” said Christina Bishop, MT(ASCP), Ph.D., F(ACHI), Chief of Laboratory Services.


An Upward Trend

MTN’s performance metric increases reflect a national upward trend for the organ transplant system.

The United Network for Organ Sharing reported that across the country, clinical workers performed more than 46,000 lifesaving transplants in 2023.

Although organ transplants are increasing nationally and locally, the waiting list grows. More than 100,000 people around the country need a lifesaving organ transplant — with approximately 460 of those people living in Kansas and 2,000 in Missouri.

2023: A Significant Year for Saving Lives
Through MTN, the generosity of donor heroes and their families touched the lives of people in need:

  • 363 donor heroes shared the gift of life, resulting in 988* lifesaving organ transplants.
    (*Excluding organs donated for research)
  • 1,399 cornea and tissue donor heroes saved and enhanced lives.
  • MTN’s lab performed 36,224 transplant-supporting tests ranging from blood counts, urinalysis, basic chemistry panels and more.
  • In its first full year of service, MTN’s Donor Recovery and Surgical Unit (DCU) cared for 114 donor hero patients resulting in 364 lifesaving transplants.

“The DCU allows us to continue specialized care for donor hero patients while maximizing their gifts of donation. The DCU also enables us to support our hospital partners by freeing up resources such as intensive care unit beds, operating rooms and medical staff needed to care for donor patients,” said Lori Markham, RN, MSN, CCRN, Vice President & Chief Clinical Officer.

At a Glance

Infographic - 988 lifesaving organs transplanted, 36224 transplant-supporting lab tests performed, 363 organ donor heroes, 112750 potential lives saves or enhanced, 1399 tissue and cornea donor heroes

Incorporated in 1973, Midwest Transplant Network facilitates organ, eye and tissue donation in partnership with hospitals and other professional partners to give hope and share life. MTN’s service area is the state of Kansas and western two-thirds of Missouri, with its central office located in Westwood, Kansas, and satellite offices in Wichita, Kansas, and Columbia and Joplin, Missouri. MTN commemorated 50 years of service in 2023.


Headshot of Dawn Romano

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Story: Dawn Romano

Dawn Romano, LCSW, LSCSW, MTN Family Services Coordinator III, opened up about her breast reconstruction experience for Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day

Headshot of Dawn Romano

Dawn Romano, MTN staff member and breast cancer survivor

Dawn Romano is a clinical social worker who works in organ and tissue donation as a Family Services Coordinator for Midwest Transplant Network. In April 2008, Dawn’s life changed when she was diagnosed with an early stage of breast cancer. After undergoing a lumpectomy and 33 rounds of radiation, Dawn believed she was cancer-free and continued on with her life.

Things changed in the summer 2015 when Dawn felt a lump on her breast. Later, while getting a mammogram and biopsies, doctors confirmed that they had found two tumors. The cancer had returned, this time more aggressive. “Tears streamed from my eyes,” she recalled. “Reality had slapped me in the face.”

Through four grueling months of chemotherapy treatment, hair loss and discouragement, Dawn found strength from her faith, friends and family to continue working in organ and tissue donation. After undergoing a double mastectomy, Dawn and her surgeon discussed the possibility of breast reconstruction. “Thankfully, from my work at Midwest Transplant Network, I knew enough to ask my surgeon whether they would use any human tissue during my surgery. He told me yes,” she shared.

Thanks to the gift of skin from two donor heroes, Dawn finally began to heal. Her experience has also helped her develop a deeper appreciation of her work, especially donor families. “We often hear that tissue donation is life-enhancing, but for many of us, it has saved our lives in many ways,” Dawn shared. “This gift has made a huge impact on my life. To all donor families, please accept my deepest and most sincere thank you. You and your loved ones have made a difference in so many people’s lives. And for that, they will always be remembered by people like me.”

Story courtesy of MTF Biologics

Headshot of Lisa Cummins

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Story: Lisa Cummins

In honor of Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day, MTN Quality Assurance Coordinator II Lisa Cummins, ASQ-CQIA, spoke about her journey with breast reconstruction. 

Headshot of Lisa Cummins

Lisa Cummins, MTN staff member and breast cancer survivor

For over 40 years, Lisa Cummins has worked in organ and tissue donation at Midwest Transplant Network. Her story begins in 2001, when she was first diagnosed with a rare type of cancer found in her uterus. Following a hysterectomy and five rounds of chemo, Lisa celebrated being cancer-free, but not for long.

“I had just hit my five-year mark when they found my first breast cancer,” she recalled. Diagnosed with an early stage of DCIS, or ductal carcinoma in situ, Lisa again underwent intense radiation treatment and another major surgery — this time using donated tissue. For the second time, Lisa believed she was cancer-free before receiving terrible news.

“At my five-year anniversary appointment — the golden mark where cancer patients can consider themselves true survivors — they found my second breast cancer,” she shared. Doctors confirmed that the cancer had returned in the same breast, this time more aggressive. Surgeons presented Lisa with the option of a mastectomy — a decision she would take one step further. “I decided that I did not want to go through it all over again, so I opted to have a double mastectomy,” she explained. Afterwards, Lisa underwent breast reconstruction, becoming a tissue recipient for the second time.

Today, Lisa celebrates being 11, 16 and 21 years cancer-free! Thanks to the gift from her donor, she returns to helping others in organ and tissue donation with a deeper appreciation for her life and work. She even uses her story at local hospitals, video conferences and live events to aid others through their breast cancer journeys and share the positive impact of donation. “There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of my donor families and am thankful for their selfless act of donation,” Lisa said, smiling. “I do not know who they are, so at every chance I get, I tell donor families ‘THANK YOU!’ Without their gift of life, I wouldn’t have been able to have reconstructive surgery. I can now say I am a survivor!”

Story courtesy of MTF Biologics

MTN logo

Celebrating One Year of a World-Class Donor Care and Surgical Recovery Unit

One year ago — Sept. 1, 2022 — Midwest Transplant Network (MTN) opened its new Donor Care and Surgical Recovery Unit (DCU) after years of careful planning, preparation and training on the processes and technology associated with an in-house facility. Since then, with support from many hospital, professional and community partners, we have cared for 131 donor patients[1] from 29 area hospitals in our world-class DCU. These donor heroes provided 415 lifesaving organs to those who desperately waited for a second chance.

The DCU features a seven-bed onsite intensive care unit, two state-of-the-art operating rooms, a CT scanner with technology to conference remotely with physicians, a specialty laboratory and a family support lounge for donor heroes’ loved ones to gather if desired. Patients who meet certain clinical criteria may be eligible to move to the DCU, where MTN staff members continue administering high-level critical care until surgical teams begin organ recovery.

“It’s hard to believe we have already been providing expert care to donor heroes in our DCU for a year,” said Lori Markham, RN, MSN, CCRN-K, CPTC, MTN Vice President & Chief Clinical Officer. “We had a vision to create a specialized facility in-house for many years, and seeing it come to fruition has been so powerful. I am incredibly proud of our team for all their hard work, and I am grateful for all our partners that have come together to support this new process that allows for better outcomes.”

Since the DCU opened, MTN has enabled more organs per donor to be transplanted than before, with the average number of organs transplanted per donor increasing from 3.1 pre-DCU to 3.35 post-DCU opening among the same type of donor characteristics when recovered in donor hospitals.

“We anticipated that the DCU would allow a focus solely on the process of organ donation and ultimately create better outcomes for transplant recipients,” said Jan Finn, RN, MSN, MTN President & Chief Executive Officer. “It’s an honor to fulfill the mission of MTN in this incredibly important work and also recognize the need to continue innovating and improving to honor donor heroes and their families. We are proud to see our staff and facility working so well allowing us to extend the gift of life to even more recipients and provide hope for those awaiting a transplant.”

MTN staff members are highly trained in the complexity of caring for organ donor heroes in the DCU, which was designed specifically to maximize the gift of life; this can free up critical resources in area hospitals — such as intensive care unit beds and operating rooms — to serve other patients in need.

“My team has complete confidence in sending our patients to Midwest Transplant Network’s DCU,” said Carol Perry, Senior Vice President & Chief Nursing Officer, Stormont Vail Health; MTN Advisory Board. “The state-of-the-art facility allows MTN’s team of expertly trained staff members to provide specialized care for donors as their gifts are matched with recipients and throughout the organ, eye and tissue recovery process. Knowing our donor heroes are receiving high-quality care at the DCU allows us to dedicate resources to critically ill patients in our ICU.”

Out of 56 organ procurement organizations (OPOs) in the U.S., MTN is just the 12th organization with a donor care and recovery center that is not based in a hospital. Creating the DCU is one of many tactics MTN has taken to improve donation outcomes.

“It was hard to imagine the extent of possibilities and growth that would result from the opening of the DCU — and yet, as a team, we have successfully learned how to perform our own echocardiograms and liver biopsies, take X-rays and prepare our own slides for pathology, all while continuing to provide the best care possible to our donor heroes,” said Emily Freund, BSN, RN, CPTC, MTN Organ Procurement Coordinator III. “The DCU is proving to be key in our mission to increasing gifts transplanted.”

[1] All DCU data pulled from Sept. 1, 2022, through July 31, 2023.

MTN logo

MTN Achieves Top-Tier Rating From CMS

For the third consecutive year, Midwest Transplant Network is ranked among the top organ procurement organizations in the country by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services performance reporting.

The 2023 OPO Annual Public Aggregated Report shows that based on 2021 data — the most recent data currently available — Midwest Transplant Network is rated as Tier 1A and is third in the nation for both donation and transplantation rates.

There are 56 organ procurement organizations (OPOs) in the U.S. Each is ranked into one of three tiers based on donation and transplantation rates; each tier ranking has a letter — A to E — from highest to lowest possible performance.

Incorporated in 1973, Midwest Transplant Network is a federally certified, not-for-profit organ procurement organization that facilitates organ, eye and tissue donation in partnership with hospitals and other professional partners to give hope and share life. MTN’s service area is the state of Kansas and western two-thirds of Missouri, with its central office located in Westwood, Kansas, and satellite offices in Wichita, Kansas, and Columbia and Joplin, Missouri. MTN is commemorating 50 years of service in 2023.

“It is our privilege to support donor families and extend their loved one’s legacy,” said Jan Finn, RN, MSN, President & Chief Executive Officer, Midwest Transplant Network.

“We are proud to have achieved a Tier 1A designation among OPOs. It’s a reflection of our generous donor heroes, strong partnerships, dedicated staff members, and a commitment to innovation and improvement.

“Every day, we strive to save and enhance more lives through organ, eye and tissue donation, and we will continue to focus on these important efforts on behalf of donor families, transplant recipients and people on the waitlist,” said Finn.

More than organ procurement

In addition to organ procurement, MTN:

  • Recovers tissues for restorative and reconstructive procedures;
  • Conducts laboratory testing to support organ transplantation;
  • Recovers organs and tissues in a state-of-the-art Donor Care and Surgical Recovery Unit;
  • Provides 24/7 response on organ referrals from hospital partners;
  • Has staff dedicated to supporting organ, eye and tissue donor families with a variety of resources, including a two-year donor family support program;
  • Shares the importance of joining the donor registry through community engagement;

Has 245 hospital partners in its service area and collaborates with five transplant centers in the care, placement and transplantation of donated organs, including Children’s Mercy Kansas City, Research Medical Center, Saint Luke’s Health System, University of Missouri Health Care and University of Kansas Health System.

Improvements to increase kidney transplants

MTN participates in the national End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Choices Learning Collaborative (ETCLC), which aims to increase the number of deceased kidney transplants, decrease the non-use rate and increase the use of kidneys with higher expected risk of graft failure. MTN has reviewed the way it manages donors and facilitates the recovery process, as well as the complicated allocation system to identify opportunities for improved data collection and analysis to ensure more people are helped through kidney transplantation.

“By taking a closer look at our donor management, recovery and allocation processes to make improvements and changes, MTN can help more people receive kidneys to improve their health and quality of life. We recognize the concern about kidneys that affect OPOs across the country, so MTN consistently looks for ways to make improvements that could save more lives,” said Lori Markham, RN, MSN, CCRN-K, Vice President & Chief Clinical Officer.

2022: A remarkable year for saving lives

Through MTN, the generosity of donor heroes and their families touched the lives of people in need:

  • 361 donor heroes shared the gift of life, resulting in 972 lifesaving organ transplants.
  • 1,593 cornea and tissue donor heroes saved and enhanced lives.
  • MTN’s lab performed 35,145 transplant-supporting tests ranging from blood counts, urinalysis, basic chemistry panels and more.

“We are proud to be among the top OPOs in the country, yet we know that we must continue working diligently and remain open to improvements if we want to see continued success. We will always follow our mission and vision to make a positive impact on behalf of all the people and communities we serve,” said Finn.

Legislative Changes

Recently, the Senate passed the Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Act, S. 1668. The legislation will be sent to President Joe Biden to sign.

If signed, the bill will modify how the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funds and manages the OPTN, a public-private network of professionals involved in the U.S. organ donation and transplantation system. Historically, the contract to manage the network has been awarded to United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). The bill “expressly authorizes HRSA to award multiple contracts, or cooperative agreements to support the operation of the network and eliminates a cap on the amount of funding available for supporting the network.”

It’s unclear how the legislation might impact Midwest Transplant Network, however, MTN is supportive of efforts to modernize the U.S. transplantation system which are implemented without significant disruption to OPOs and transplant centers while respecting the charitable nature of organ donation and recovery in a way that encourages community participation and support.

Midwest Transplant Network is commemorating its 50th anniversary serving the people of Kansas and western Missouri. More than 7,000 organ donors from Midwest Transplant Network’s donor service area (DSA) have contributed to over 32,000 lifesaving transplants since MTN’s inception in 1972. Additionally, more than 23,000 tissue donors have given gifts in this timeframe, enabling nearly 250,000 life-enhancing tissue transplants for burn victims, cancer survivors, individuals with sports-related injuries and more.

Organ donor heroes from Midwest Transplant Network’s service area saved the lives of 12 people with an organ transplant in 1972. In 2022, that number was 972, illustrating the thoughtfulness of people in Kansas and western Missouri; the strong support from MTN’s hospital and community partners; and MTN’s commitment to continual improvement and saving more lives. 

Among the Best in the Nation* Midwest Transplant Network

MTN Ranks Third Nationally for Donation, Transplantation Rates

Among the Best in the Nation* Midwest Transplant Network

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2023 OPO Annual Public Aggregated Performance Report, which outlines individual organ procurement organization (OPO) performance in 2021, the most recent year for which data is available.

The report notes that of 56 federally certified U.S. OPOs:

  • 15 — including Midwest Transplant Network — are Tier 1 (26%),
  • 18 are Tier 2 (32%) and
  • 24 are Tier 3 (42%).

This report places all OPOs into one of three tiers based on donation and transplantation rates. Tier 1 OPOs have the upper 95% confidence limit at or above the top 25th percentile cutoff for both the donation and transplantation rates. Each OPO’s tier ranking also has a letter associated with it; A is the highest-possible performance for that tier and E the lowest.

MTN ranks No. 3 nationally for both donation and transplantation rates; it has been in the top three OPOs for both rates all three years that this report has been released.

Midwest Transplant Network’s assessment rating in Tier 1A reflects the quality, professionalism and excellence in partnerships throughout our service area, as well as the incredible generosity of organ, eye, and tissue donors and their families. It also reflects the commitment our staff members have to saving lives by honoring the gifts of organ, eye and tissue donation.

To learn more, view the full performance report.