MTN Donor Hero to be Honored on OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade Float, Jan. 1

Joe Hecht, donor hero, Midwest Transplant Network
It’s the time of year for holidays, celebrations and parades on TV!
Midwest Transplant Network is proud to co-sponsor the OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade® float and honor a donor hero from our area with a floragraph portrait on the float.
Donor Hero Joe Hecht
MTN chose donor hero Joe Hecht of Sturgeon, Mo., as the 2025 Rose Parade honoree.
Joe was 38, a son, husband and father. He died in July 2020 and donated his kidneys at MU Health Care in Columbia, Mo., saving the lives of two people.
Growing up, his mother, Sheila Hecht, served in the Navy. They lived in Florida and Washington, experiencing the world along the way. Baseball, working on cars and “California Love” by Tupac were his vibe. He enjoyed a life of adventure with his wife, Melissa, taking trips to the Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu in Peru. Joe loved being outside with their young daughters, Elena and Isabelle.
“We are proud of Joe’s legacy as an organ donor. We always talk about daddy. He’s a hero. We are thankful to be invited to represent Joe at the Rose Parade®. It’ll be a wonderful memory for our family,” said Melissa Hecht.
Floragraph Portrait
All Rose Parade floats must be covered with flowers or other natural materials, such as leaves, seeds or bark.
The OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade® float features numerous floragraphs – portraits made entirely of organic materials – remembering donors from around the country. The floragraphs are created by volunteers. To allow the families to be part of the experience, a small portion of the floragraph is left incomplete so the family can add the final touches.
In November, MTN hosted a floragraph ceremony for the Hechts to complete Joe’s portrait. The ceremony welcomed family, friends and representatives from MU Health Care.
The Hechts will participate in parade events hosted by OneLegacy, the organ procurement organization of southern California. They’ll get to see Joe’s floragraph on the float ahead of the parade and watch from the grandstand as the float travels down the route.
About the Parade & Float
The 2025 Rose Parade® theme is Best Day Ever.
The OneLegacy Donate Life float theme is Let Your Life Soar, inspired by the Japanese celebration of Children’s Day. The float will feature a vibrant scene of colorful koi nobori, or windsocks shaped like fish, flying over a garden of flowering trees, stone lanterns and a bridge. Streamers will bear a family crest, followed by koi nobori in a sequence representing father, mother and children. In Japan, “koi fish represent strength, courage and health. These same attributes define those who chose to give the gift of life, as well as their families and recipients.” The scales of the koi fish are floral portraits, or floragraphs, representing donor heroes.
Learn more about the OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade® float.
Watch the Parade
The 2025 OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade® float will be featured during the 136th Rose Parade® on Wednesday, Jan. 1 at 8 a.m. PST. The Rose Parade will broadcast live in the U.S. on NBC, ABC and Univision; please check your local broadcast listings for details.

MTN hosted a floragraph finishing ceremony for the Hecht family as part of the Rose Parade experience.

A floragraph portrait of Joe Hecht, a donor hero from Sturgeon, Mo. The floragraph will be featured on the OneLegacy Donate Life Rose Parade float on Jan. 1, 2025.

Melissa Hecht gets a hug from a friend during the floragraph ceremony for her husband, Joe Hecht.